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Small Tips

Just a few small tips that don't warrant a whole page but make life a little easier and happier


The Camelback and such devices are amazing, but they are amazingly difficult to clean.

  1. To Scrub the thing clean place Baking soda and a small amount of rice in the Bladder and give it a good shake and they will scrub it clean.
  2. To Sterilise the Bladder don't use toxic cleaners or you will never be able to get rid of the after taste, instead get the baby bottle sterilising tablets.
  3. If the Bladders is not dried out properly/quickly mould will start to grow in it, use a bent coat hanger to hold the mouth of the bladder open to increase air flow and drying time
  4. Another way of stopping mould is to wash the bladder out after each ride and place in the freezer with a tiny amount od water in it.


Fitting Grips

  1. If you haven't got any of the recommended Alcohol, what about using Hairspray to help slide your new grips on.


Saddle Bags

  1. Saddle Bags are great thinks you can place all those things that you don't want in your pockets but need to take with you like change and house keys, but don't they half rattle and mix thinks up. If you put everything in plastic food bags it will stop them getting mixed up, and if you place them in socks it will stop them rattling and getting mixed up (Label them though as you will spend longer trying to find what you want)


  1. If you transport more than one bike regularly on a bike rack you will find that most of the damage done to your paint work or alloy is done to you bike during transportation than actual riding. Use water pipe insulation to wrap round the frame and forks on your bike and this will give plenty of protection, you can get it in various sizes to fit most rubes on your bike,  cut it to length and voila.


  1. If you put a rip in the side wall of your tyre out on the trail you can patch it up (get me home only) with a 5 pound note (If you feel rich), remember that to get the note replaced you need to produce the serial numbers.