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Switch Backs

The switch back is a downhill corner, which takes you back the direction that you came in a tight 180-degree corner. Once mastered you will find that switch backs are just a mater of speed control and getting a clean line, get it wrong and crashing at low speeds will be on your C.V forever.

  1. Feather the brake to reduce your speed so that you are at a controllable speed for the Switchback BEFORE you get to it, as you approach the corner move to the outside of the track ( the area furthest from the corner itself, so that if you followed this line throughout the corner you would take the longest route), this gives you more manoeuvring room and allows slightly more speed,move your weight to the back of the bike by moving off the back of the saddle

  2. Lower the leg on the outside of the corner, this increases wheel traction as you your round the corner

  3. This is were it starts to get difficult, turn in making sure that you are wheel behind the saddle making sure that you have removed the weight from the front wheel to stop it washing out, always look for the cleanest line and look ahead. Whilst in this area of the turn you will find that the front wheel is at a extreme turning angle, this may feel strange at first but it's normal

  4. Once you have got through the keep your weight of the back of the saddle,and keeping looking ahead, it is to easy at this point to run of the trail because you think that you have done all the difficult work

  5. Once you are heading straight, shift your weight forward and carry on.