StumpHunters Cycling and MTB page

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10 Commandments

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National Off-Road Bicycling Association Off Road Code

I will yield the right-of-way of other non-motorised recreationalists. I realise that people judge all cyclists by my actions

  1. I will Slow down and use caution when approaching or over taking another, and will make my presence known well in advance.
  2. I will maintain control of my speed at all times,and will approach turns in anticipation of someone around the bend.
  3. I will stay on designated trails to avoid trampling native vegetation and minimise potential erosion to trails by not using muddy trails or short cut switchbacks
  4. I will not disturb wildlife or livestock
  5. I will not litter. I will pack out what I pack in,and pack out more than my share whenever possible
  6. I will respect public and private property, including trail use signs and no-trespassing signs and will leave gates as I found them.
  7. I will always be self-sufficient and my destination objective and travel speed will be determined by my ability,my equipment, the terrain and the present and potential weather conditions
  8. I will not travel solo when bike packing in remote areas. I will leave word of my destination and when I plan to return
  9. I will observe the practice of minimum impact bike packing by taking only pictures and memories, and leaving only waffle prints
  10. I will always wear a helmet whenever I ride