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Small Objects

Getting over small objects (up to 6 inch's) can be vital to getting along small single trails, it's when you go round a corner and find a small root or someone has nicely placed a small log on your trail that you need to know how to respond

  1. On approach make sure you have enough speed, you will need to stop pedalling before you get to the object do make sure that you have enough pace to get over the object 2 to 3 feet away from it

  2. Make sure that you are ready to hit the object, get both legs bent, of the saddle and your pedal cranks level to maximise clearance

  3. Remove the weight from the front wheel buy moving your weight slightly back, but not too much just enough to move your weight over the rear wheel, a few inches should be enough. Arms should be slightly bent as well as those legs.

  4. As the front wheel hits the object, let the bike come up towards your chest buy bending your elbows

  5. As after the front wheel has gone over and has touched the ground on the other side the bring your arms back to there original position, this will push the bike away from you and help to bring the rear wheel over the object

  6. Return your weight to the centre of the bike, while you un-weight the rear wheel

Rocks or objects that jut upwards can easily catch you out, the front wheel may have made it over the object but the rear wheel may still get stuck, make sure that arms and legs are still bent in order to stop the sudden impacts throwing you from the bike.