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Climbing Hills

O.K so there aren't many of these in Norfolk so we don't get to climb the big ones like some other people

  1. Before you start to climb look up at it and decide what year you think you should be in, the lower the better but go to low and you will tire yourself out from spinning you legs, if y

  2. Start pedalling before you start climbing the gradient, if you find yourself in to high a gear change down but keep pedalling, stopping and changing gear and starting again will place to much strain through the chain. Try not to change the front chain ring as may cause you to stall, if you have to change keep it smooth by pedalling

  3. If the Gradient is low but goes on for a long time, pick a low gear and spin the pedals, don't try to use a high gear and force your way up the hill, spin those legs, and STAY seated

  4. For step stretches or if you tire on a long shallow stretch get up and work those pedals.

  5. On step stretches when you get out of the saddle try to keep the wait over the rear wheel, to far forward and the rear will spin, to far back or staying seated and the front will lift